Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 5:07 PM

name = Bob Bermingham
email =
car club = CRCA Adelaide
car type = S Series Valiant
owned since = 2003
state = S.A
city = Adelaide
body_number = SV1 - 2 - 1713
pillar_number = missing
engine_number = BPQ 2536FA
original_paint = AL 7153 - Gloster Grey
condition = Under restoration

additional comments = I bought the car 28ks out of Mt Gambier.Car was sitting in open for quite some time.Has very good later model slant motor and Mopar floor shifter. New grey velour hood lining and grey plush carpet. 7" kidney mags and as new tyres.

Other than that it's externally rust free (no bubbles) I cleaned all the the inner door mechanisms and that's it.
I will be doing an exchange with another "S" series guy who wants to turn it into a ute, who will supply and fit a Torque Flite auto fitment and some body work.
That's it regards Bob